In recent weeks, chatGPT has been a hot topic of discussion among many: the amazing potential of chatGPT. This artificial intelligence tool has grown so exponentially that Microsoft itself has invested 10 billion euros in OpenAI, the company that developed chatGPT. But, if this company is already generating millions, how can chatGPT help your company?
Nothing better than asking chatGPT itself. We interviewed this tool, where we asked him exactly what it was, how to use it and what ideas he suggested for us to use chatGPT in business.
chatGPT is a natural language model based on artificial intelligence (AI) developed by OpenAI. And these aren’t our words, it’s the answer that it gives us when we ask it what it is.
Going deeper, chatGPT uses books, articles, and other online sources as a database. By processing almost instantly all this information, chatGPT is able to interact with a person like… a person would.
You can already understand one of the potentials of chatGPT for business: the instant ability to process and organize information, displaying it in language that we are all able to understand.
Curious about getting started with chatGPT? Follow the steps below:
– register on the official tool page by clicking on “Try chatGPT “.
– validate your email address and your mobile number.
– the tool is ready to use; type in the chat bar the questions you want to ask; we advise you to invite chatGPT to give practical examples or to be more specific in the response so that it has more concrete results.
– finally, a caveat, always make a fact-check of the information that chatGPT gives you.
1. Content marketing
Some say that in the online world “content is king”. That is, the quality and relevance of the content that each company shares allows the company to be found more easily.
If content marketing is part of your company’s strategy, you can use chatGPT to filter the keywords, ideas and information that are most important to your business.
To do this, simply use the app and ask the right questions, such as:
– what are the most searched keywords in Portugal on the topic x?
– suggest 5 titles for an article on the topic x
2. Customer support
The information and language processing capability make chatGPT the perfect virtual assistant, available 24/7, 365 days a year.
To use it in your business, you must first choose a chat platform that is compatible with chatGPT, such as ZenDesk. From there, you should train chatGPT to answer your customers’ most frequently asked questions.
chatGPT integration will make your customer service faster and more effective, improving the customer experience. However, and as the tool suggests, for more complex situations that require more empathy, it will always take a human being.
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3. Generate and qualify leads
A business revolves around leads. Or rather, from the conversion of leads into customers. And one of the important steps to perform this conversion successfully, in addition to the capture of leads itself, is the qualification of leads.
When you integrate chatGPT as a customer support tool, it will be able to interact with the customer in real time, asking them what they are looking for or answering customer questions. chatGPT can also be trained to offer specific products or services to a customer, using the identified customer profile.
In practice, chatGPT is both capable of generating leads and qualify them in detail, so that you can deliver them to the sales team.
4. Personalized marketing campaigns
It is said and known that campaign customization is much more efficient than generalized campaigns. If we can reach a customer with an offer according to their profile, we can convert that offer into sale much faster.
ChatGPT’s ability to collect, organize and process information allows you to outline personalized marketing campaigns that will have the power to leverage the conversion of leads from your business. To do this, you must integrate chatGPT into your website.
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5. Sentiment analysis and market research
The analysis of feelings concerns the analysis of conversations in the online world on a particular topic. In the business world, this analysis serves to understand customer feedback regarding a product or service of your company.
chatGPT can identify what is said online about a particular product or service in your business and alert your team to act as quickly as possible regarding that feedback. This process is also one that is at the basis of market research, which can also be done using chatGPT.
The potential of chatGPT is unquestionable. And through these forms of business application, we can understand what is in fact its greatest use: improving the customer experience.
It is certain that, for now, AI does not have the same empathic and creative capacity as the human being, but it is able to process information much faster, more efficiently and correctly. And that’s where the great power of chatGPT application lies in business.
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