According to the ECB, eurozone GDP will grow by 4.6% in 2022. Economic recovery plans contributed a lot for this growth, as well as the resilience of companies and the businesses that have accelerated with the pandemic.
In this article, we propose to identify what are these businesses on the rise in Portugal in the short term. Here you can find what your next investment will be.
In the Portugal Global da AICEP magazine, published in July 2020, e-commerce was already highlighted as the medium for the up-and-coming business in Portugal. According to the magazine, it is estimated that in 2040 about 95% of all purchases made globally, are made online.
Looking in the short term, we can identify what the e-commerce market is asking for in the next few years. And this e-commerce has room for:
– Online grocery stores and/ or home grocery delivery;
– More sustainable fashion.
– Ready to eat (deep-frozen meals).
– Gadgets and appliances for smart homes.
– Cosmetics.
Find here 5 more niche markets with potential in the post-covid era.
Construction continues to grow at an impressive rate in Portugal. Even if there has been a slowdown with the pandemic, the truth is that demand continues to grow. A clear result of this is the latest increase in house prices in Portugal.
But in this sector what are the big businesses on the rise in Portugal? It is by looking at the Portuguese reality that we find the answers: the Portuguese need housing solutions that have a more economical final price and without budgetary slippages. They privilege having a house faster and privilege a house with good energy efficiency and thermal comfort.
If there is a sector in civil construction with room to grow in our country, this sector is that of prefabricated houses. A good example across borders is Connect Homes.
If you look at the past, the fast-rising business was almost always in the technology sectors: Microsoft and Apple; Google; Facebook and Amazon. They are all based on technology.
This is the reality that moves and will continue to move business escent in Portugal and the world.
For example, in the last round of investments, Portugal Ventures added 3 more digital startups to its portfolio. Before that, since the beginning of the year, Portuguese venture capital had already invested in 43 startups in the digital area.
Within this digital area, the most impactful tech startups work with IoT, Big Data or Artificial Intelligence technologies. Why? Because they are at the basis of the most important processes for all other markets.
For example, The Big Data applied to Marketing allows you to present increasingly specific offers for each type of customer, making conversion rates higher.
If you have an idea for a startup, test it with the Lean Canvas template, available here.
How to enter a market where there is already the presence of giants?
We suggest two types of consulting: scientific consulting and technology consulting. And the more specific the consulting function provided, the more likely it is to succeed. If, for example, you launch a consulting firm specializing in Big Data, you will have a better chance of building your reputation in this niche market, rather than dividing your efforts between different types of technology consulting.
An example of the growing importance of technology consulting is the digitization of traditional companies. Without internal means to do this quickly and efficiently, these companies must use consulting services to improve this transition.
Remember that consulting is one of the most efficient ways companies use to optimize their processes and even prepare for external audits and certification. Therefore, consulting will always be a highly sought-after business. What is needed now is to adjust the typology of the consultancy for the big business on the rise in Portugal.
Forecasts and the market indicate that these are the businesses on the rise in Portugal. Regardless of the type of business in which you decide to invest, there is a lesson that we must all draw from the shock caused by the pandemic: a company will be both more profitable and sustainable, the better it is prepared to deal with technological, organizational, environmental and social changes. Or, in a word, resilience. Any undertaking made must take into mind growth, but also the ability to adapt to constant change, even the most unexpected.
If you are interested in any of these up-and-coming businesses in Portugal…
And you need help to structure the idea, the business plan and financing, you can count on our know-how. Get in touch with us. We love creating and accelerating business!