The SI Productive Innovation measure allows financing of innovative operations that result in the production of tradable and internationalizable goods and services with high added value […]
The Research & Technological Development support measure aims to finance projects with innovative technological solutions that originate new products or services, in the experimental phase, that […]
This incentive allows companies to get financial support for direct presence in online channels, such as creating online stores, adhering to marketplaces or developing online promotion […]
To support the entrepreneurship of projects still in the planning phase and Startups already constituted, the “Linha ADN STARTUP” is available. It is a credit line […]
Turismo de Portugal’s “ Qualificação da oferta ” helpline is intended for tourism projects based: – in the requalification and repositioning of enterprises, establishments, and activities, […]
The Vouchers para Startups – Novos Produtos Verdes e Digitais – are financial support programs for startups in green and digital areas, in the amount of […]
What is it? It is a public measure, integrated in Portugal2020, which aims to strengthen the business capacity of SMEs through the development of their qualification […]
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