The Vouchers para Startups – Novos Produtos Verdes e Digitais – are financial support programs for startups in green and digital areas, in the amount of 30 thousand euros per beneficiary.
The implementation of the measure ” Vouchers para Startups – Novos Produtos Verdes e Digitais “, includes a total allocation of 90 million euros.
The selection process is carried out quarterly. The first cut-off will be on 25 February 2023.
Startups up to 10 years, who have or want to develop digital business models and with strong green (sustainable) component, or in sectors with greater intensity of technology and knowledge, or that value the application of R&D results in the production of new goods and services.
– Be under 10 years old.
– To be a company already constituted.
– To be a company based in Portugal.
– To be an SME, of any nature or in any legal form. For the purpose of proving SME status, companies must obtain or update the corresponding Electronic Certification through the IAPMEI website.
– Be a company registered at “Balcão dos Fundos”
– Startups whose CAE is mentioned in this Annex (see this link) or in this Annex (see link) of Eurostat indicators. (Note: the codes mentioned in the annexes, in English, correspond to the Portuguese codes of the CAE for the same activities).
Vouchers for startups have the following eligible expenses:
– Human resources costs, up to 75% of eligible costs.
– Expenses with accreditation or technological certification of human resources.
– Acquisition of Specialized External Services (digitization of business processes, marketing services, etc.);
– Acquisition or operational rental of equipment, licensing costs or software subscription.
– Costs of protecting/valuing intellectual property rights.
– Indirect costs
– Relevance of the project in relation to the objectives of the measure.
– Capacity to implement beneficiaries.
– Impact of the project on the competitiveness of beneficiaries.
– Initial advance with the signing of the Term of Acceptance as pre-financing in the amount of 5,000 euros.
– 4 quarterly advances of a value of 5,000 euros;
– Final payment of 5,000 euros, with the submission of the application for final payment with the eligible expenses incurred, to be submitted up to 90 days after the physical and financial completion of the project.
– The selection process is carried out quarterly.
– The first cut-off will be on February 25.
Information in detail can consult the notice of the application here.
If you need to clarify doubts and move towards an application, contact us. We have a lot of experience in approving applications.
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